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Energotech Service Srl
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Distribuim, instalam si efectuam service pentru: pompe Atex, distribuitoare carburanti, pompe transfer carburanti, debitmetre, nivelmetre electronice pentru carburanti sau alte lichide, sisteme gestiune flota, rezervoare fixe si mobile, statii de incarcare pentru masini electrice


1. Double wall tank

Double wall steel tank of horizontal cylindrical shaft for its aerial installation, manufactured under UNE rules:
UNE 62351-2 capacity up to 3,000 litres
UNE 12285-2 capacity higher than 3,000 litres
Equipped with: welded support frame, manifold in manhole and vacuum leak system. External non-corrosive finish, white polyurethane with special outdoors bright.
400 mm vent valve set - 2" T valve or fireproof valve with buil-in grid
1" suction set
Vk-80 3" brass charging hole with chain in the cover
Measuring system: level indicator with guide tube or slide
Overfill alarm
Pressure relief valve
1" Adjustable anti-siphon valve
2. Crash-proof frame

Metallic structure protecting the tank against crashes; it has a stair to access the manhole with a non-slip flat and a security rail (in tanks higher than 3,000 litres)
Nozzle hanger


Mechanical or electronic COMPACT supply kits for the diesel supply and measurement and with the possibility of the GK-7 fleet controller installation.
There is the option of fitting additional elements or modifying those that alreay has under the customer's request in order to be used for an specific use whenever it complies with the applicable regulations.
Installation of other pumping kits of different flows (e.g. 50/80/150 l/min), more or less number of delivery hose metres, different types of nozzles and filtering elements
FG-100 transparent microfilter water repellent 5 m (micron)
4" overfill valve from the KIT-5000 litres
Din Gura in Gura